Friday, February 17, 2012

Cut the Cord!!!!

Over the past four weeks the five counselors and myself have been meeting individually with all the students.  In each meeting the student and counselor pick classes for the following year.  Students discussed with their counselors graduation requirements, college admissions requirements, career interests and electives.  Well this week schedules were sent home for the parents to see what their child had registered for; along with detailed instructions to make changes on the sheet if they wanted to switch any class and to return it to the school. 

Soon the deluge of phone calls, emails and several suprise parent visits came.  A handful of parents of incoming freshman created their own four year plans for their children.  They had their child's next four years planned, along with summer school, including every honors and AP class available.  The intensity and control was evident. 

Parents do their children a disservice when they interfer to control, create undue pressure and prevent their child from learning to advocate for themselves.  Take a deep breath!  Have a conversation with your children.  Allow them to grow and change.  Teach your child to take ownership of their life.  Advise and give counsel, do not do for them what they can do for themselves.  Cut the cord!

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