Thursday, January 26, 2012

What classes should I take????

Registration this week has been fun meeting with the student, but disheartening at the same time.  The sophomores are planning their schedules for their junior year.  It amazes me how 16 year olds are planning for a future in which they have no concept of where they want to go or what they want to major in or what careers interest them.  Most colleges require students to take such specific classes to be admitted.  This prevents students from exploring what types of careers might interest them.  Students in inturn choose a college or university based on where their friends are going or the name of the school; instead of looking at the quality of the program they are planning on attaining a career in. 

In today's economy families can't afford $15k a year (which is considered an affordable school).  I believe college and career readines needs to go further than preping for the PSAE or the ACT.  It is equiping students with the ability to begin to understand who they are, what they like to do and what they are good at.  Then having the opportunity to investigate, explore and experience the careers that encompass those qualities.  I never had the opportunity to explore my identity and interests in relation to college/career.  My only experience was taking an interest inventory in high school, getting the results and never thinking or processing beyond that moment. 

After leaving high school I attended junior college.  I had several interests, but no clue how that would turn into a job or a career.  Never once did I see myself completing my bachelors degree.  I majored in business, youth ministry, psychology and education before finally returning back to psychology almost 10 years after graduating from high school.  Now in a few months I will be graduating with my Masters in Counseling.  My goal as a future school counselor is to equip students with the opportunity to truly be college and career ready, to explore who they are and what kind of job they are not only good at, but passionate about!

How many times did you change your major in college?

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